File permissions of DVD installer messed up

Issue #4 resolved
Former user created an issue

When using the DVD installer the permissions of the installed files are totally messed up: Some files (like the ones in media/locations or most in /media/shared/audio) have write permissions for everyone, while others can only be read by root (like those in media/shared/speech/french). Aside from the obvious security issues the game is missing any texts and speech when installed system wide and in any language other than English.

Comments (4)

  1. Steffen Pankratz


    thanks for your feedback. As long as the installer is not fixed, please install the game with the same user who is going to play the game, then it should at least work without any problems.

  2. Steffen Pankratz

    All those files are from a zip file on the DVD. The permissions are wrong in the zip file. As we can not fix the zip file any more, we will enhance the installer, to install files with 0644 and directories with 0755.

    Command to list the permission of files and directories in the zip.

    zipinfo data/
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