Serious lack of Browser button to start a project

Issue #4 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'm running Windows 7 in Chrome Canary with Tincr 1.2.

Tincr works fine on my Mac in Canary, but not on my PC apparently - this is what I see:

Comments (4)

  1. John

    Sorry about that, I removed the screenshot thinking I'd fixed the problem - I haven't.

    By opening a new (blank) tab, with no page loaded, I can get the browse button to appear. If I load my test page and then try to use Tincr, this is what I see:

    P.S. Feel free to correct my 'Browser' -> browse typo, in the heading.

  2. Ryan Ackley repo owner

    It's because you're using a file url. If you have a file url it's not configurable since Tincr will know exactly how to map the urls to the local file.

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