Why is SControllerData an independent entity in the database?

Issue #129 new
Samir Menon repo owner created an issue

Collect some information here to explain the reasons behind this (please edit this message).

Later, log them in the wiki and close the bug. Or change the organization.

Reasons for this setup:


  1. Originally, controllers were not tied down to a particular robot. That's why in the config file, there is a <must_use_robot> flag for a controller. This is optional.

  2. Eg. You might have multiple identical robots, all using the same controller. Say you want 10 kukas dancing around or something.

  3. Controllers should not be tied down to particular tasks. This is again very important as we move to real robots, and want to develop a library of task primitives. We want the primitives to be controller and robot agnostic.

  4. Add something here....


  1. Allows iterating over the controllers without touching the robot. For printing.

  2. Add something here....

TODO : Ref major 2 : There needs to be some change to the indexing system. As of now, we require unique controller names. So the purpose isn't served properly. Need some way to create duplicate controllers for multiple robots if required. Or there should be some way to copy existing controllers for new robots.

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