Real-time web interface with node.js backend

Issue #158 resolved
Hayk Martirosyan created an issue

For a real-time web application, we need a server that interfaces with Redis and a persistent server-client connection.

Comments (2)

  1. Hayk Martirosyan reporter

    Created simple demo of a web page reading a value at high-frequencies from Redis, by communicating with a node server. node.js + express + + node_redis. Will discuss at next meeting. Propose to scaffold with typical web development tools (bower, grunt) for robust development. Discuss desired complexity of web app, choose from possible frontend options.

  2. Samir Menon repo owner

    The first app worked quite well. Though we really should revisit this properly given that most of the data structures are now serializable. Also given that we're definitely going to use redis as a go-between. Should break up the issue into multiple smaller issues.

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