View navigation doesn't work with positive camera lookat z value

Issue #169 resolved
Hayk Martirosyan created an issue

An issue that's been affecting me is that I want to set the lookat parameter of a camera to be something like +1.0. However, if I change it to anything non-negative, as soon as I click on the view to orbit or zoom it goes black. Presumably some mathematical error with the view navigation? There are other cases as well, where depending on the sign of the entries in pos and lookat, the view goes black. This affects me because the best camera location for me involves looking at (0, 0, 1.0).

            <pos>   0.01   -3.0   1.0</pos>
            <lookat>0.01  0.0  -0.01</lookat>
            <up>0   0   1</up>
            <clip>0 100</clip>
            <background>0 0 0</background>

Comments (2)

  1. Samir Menon repo owner

    Works fine for me. Tested on the wam model:

    <graphics name="wamBotStdView">
                <pos>0.01 -3.0 1.0</pos>
                <lookat>0.01   0.0   -0.01</lookat>
                <up>0   0   1</up>
                <clip>0 4</clip>
                <background>0 0 0</background>
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