Support state flush without re-generating all the complex data structs + dependencies..

Issue #181 resolved
Samir Menon repo owner created an issue

This is necessary for a distributed setup where the state might need to be flushed for static data as well as dynamic data.

All the major data structures should support an "update()" function along with the usual init. The update function should basically take state and update the entire structure in a manner that doesn't violate any existing kinematic structure etc.

Doing so is potentially complicated and will require establishing a dependency tree. If something higher up in the dependency tree is updated, then the remaining tree should be flushed...

This might require the "update()" function to be in SObject... Possibly something like:

class SObject{
// ....
bool update(SObject *arg_obj)=0;
// ....

Comments (1)

  1. Samir Menon reporter

    This is mostly possible for now in the tutorial-style raw apps. As for the places where it isn't, we probably just need to eliminate a lot of code.

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