can't find some files like "base_bl.obj" in debug mode.

Issue #193 resolved
Jian Kevin created an issue

Compile the PumaBot in ecplise, and then debug it, it shows "SclTiXml::readLink() : WARNING : In link [ground]. 'option_axis_frame_size' tagin not found for obj file : /media/kevinjz/02C8BD7AC8BD6D13/Documents/EclipseWorkspace/c++/scl-manips-group/applications-linux/scl_example_ctrl/../../specs/Puma/graphics/base_bl.obj" in the console, but this file is absolutely in that location.

Comments (3)

  1. Samir Menon repo owner

    Debug mode issues a lot of warnings related to optional xml tags. This particular one alludes the the option of setting the option "option_axis_frame_size". E.g., <option_axis_frame_size>1</option_axis_frame_size>.

    The particular code is in scl/parser/sclparser/tixml_parser/CParserSclTiXml.cpp, line 406

            obj_data = link_data->FirstChildElement( "option_axis_frame_size" );
            if ( obj_data )
              std::stringstream ss(obj_data->FirstChild()->Value());
            else  {
    #ifdef DEBUG
              std::cerr<< "\nCParserSclTiXml::readLink() : WARNING : In link ["<<arg_link_ds.name_
                      <<"]. 'option_axis_frame_size' tag not found for obj file : "<<tgr.file_name_;

    It doesn't affect your program in any way. When you run the model, you should see the base in the simulator the same way you see it in release mode.

  2. Jian Kevin reporter

    Oh, i'm sorry for misunderstanding that warning, it means the tag 'option_axis_frame_size' not found, not the obj file.
    Thank you very much!

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