There is no graphics rendering in the muscle task controller...

Issue #201 resolved
Toki Migimatsu created an issue

The model works fine with the muscle gc controller : $ ./scl_muscle_gc_ctrl ../../specs/SkeleArmPQ/SkeleArmPQCfg.xml

However, it works but doesn't show the graphics in the task controller : $ ./scl_muscle_task_ctrl ../../specs/SkeleArmPQ/SkeleArmPQCfg.xml SkeleArmPQ opc handPQ

Fix me!

Comments (5)

  1. Samir Menon repo owner

    Set up a new app for task control with muscles (this one is much simpler).

    Needs a few tweaks to finish implementing the controller. But mostly done.

    In scl muscles / master.

  2. Samir Menon repo owner

    For now, the tutorial controller works quite well. Might be preferable to move to that program.

    I think the older muscle task controller is not a great implementation (pretty hacky). So I'm going to close this issue and possibly delete that old controller.

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