Clean up muscle init

Issue #234 new
Samir Menon repo owner created an issue

This looks junky and inconsistent with our latest standards...

/** Initializes the actuators. This involves determining whether the muscle
     * matches the robot etc. It also sets up the Jacobians to be computed etc.
    virtual sBool init(const std::string& arg_name,
        const SRobotParsed *arg_robot,
        const sutil::CMappedList<std::string,SRigidBodyDyn> &arg_rbdtree,
        SActuatorSetMuscle *arg_mset,
        CDynamicsBase *arg_dynamics);

Comments (9)

  1. Samir Menon reporter

    Also need to fix the Muscle init() to match the muscle set

    /** Initializes the actuator. This involves determining whether the muscle
       * matches the robot etc. It also sets up the Jacobians to be computed etc.
      sBool CActuatorMuscle::init(const std::string& arg_name,
          const SRobotParsed *arg_robot,
          const SActuatorSetMuscleParsed *arg_msys,
          const sutil::CMappedList<std::string,SRigidBodyDyn> &arg_rbdtree,
          CDynamicsBase *arg_dynamics)
  2. Samir Menon reporter

    Looks like the reference style of the CActuator*Muscle needs some updates to make it re-entrant and to simplify dependencies. As of now the access pattern is a bit ad-hoc...

  3. Samir Menon reporter

    Localized an issue. IO data structure doesn't init properly when provided muscle actuator sets. The core issue is that the SActuatorSetBase object doesn't have an init method.

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