scl::SGcModel.pos_com_ output is wrong

Issue #26 resolved
Robert Katzschmann created an issue

this is how to look up the dynamics values: std::cout<<"\nA:\n"<<robot_gc_model.A_; std::cout<<"\nAinv:\n"<<robot_gc_model.Ainv_; std::cout<<"\nb:\n"<<robot_gc_model.b_; std::cout<<"\ng:\n"<<robot_gc_model.g_; std::cout<<"\ncom:\n"<<robot_gc_model.pos_com_<<std::endl<<std::endl;

"robot_gc_model" is an object of the class: scl::SGcModel

This line: std::cout<<"\ncom:\n"<<robot_gc_model.pos_com_<<std::endl<<std::endl;

outputs a weird Center of mass position: -0.1 -0.09 -0.293334 which does not fit for any of the links and also not for the center of mass of the whole robot. What is this vector actually describing?

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