specifying joint velocity and jerk limits in specs file

Issue #29 resolved
Robert Katzschmann created an issue

joint position limits are already implemented in SRobotParsedData: {{{ #!c++

/* The joint limit doesn't go below this / Eigen::VectorXd joint_limit_min_;

/* The joint limit doesn't go below this / Eigen::VectorXd joint_limit_max_;


The following four new variables should be added to SRobotParsedData as well, I need them for example for path planning:

Eigen::VectorXd joint_velocity_limit_min_;

Eigen::VectorXd joint_velocity_limit_max_;

Eigen::VectorXd joint_jerk_limit_min_;

Eigen::VectorXd joint_jerk_limit_max_;

Velocity limits are usually provided by the robot manufacturer. The jerk limits are sometimes advised by the manufacturer for longer actuator life.

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