No handle to terminate my app

Issue #40 resolved
Shameek Ganguly created an issue

There needs to be a way to terminate app specific stuff I think. I'm trying to do a remote server task and need a handle to be able to close the connection. Virtualizing CRobotApp::terminate() might help.

void CRobotApp::terminate()
    /****************************Print Collected Statistics*****************************/
    std::cout<<"\nTotal Simulated Time : "<<sutil::CSystemClock::getSimTime() <<" sec";
    std::cout<<"\nTotal Control Model and Servo Updates : "<<ctrl_ctr_;
    std::cout<<"\nTotal Graphics Updates                : "<<gr_ctr_;

    bool flag = chai_gr_.destroyGraphics();
    if(false == flag) { std::cout<<"\nError deallocating graphics pointers"; } //Sanity check.

    std::cout<<"\nEnd Time:"<<sutil::CSystemClock::getSysTime();

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