CChaiHaptics.cpp Error

Issue #66 resolved
Fabian Gerlinghaus created an issue

The method bool CChaiHaptics::getAllHapticDevicePositions always printed out the following erro: "WARNING : Could not read position of haptic device" even though the device was connected and I could read values from it. Fixed the bug:

Change these lines

      int tmp =(*it)->getPosition(tmpv); //Read position into tmpv
      Eigen::Vector3d tmp_vec;
      *itv = tmp_vec;                       //Set the positions in the vector
      if (0 != tmp)
      { std::cout<<"\nWARNING : Could not read position of haptic device: "<<i; }


      bool device_ready =(*it)->getPosition(tmpv); //Read position into tmpv
      Eigen::Vector3d tmp_vec;
      *itv = tmp_vec;                       //Set the positions in the vector
      if (!device_ready)
      { std::cout<<"\nWARNING : Could not read position of haptic device: "<<i; }

The sam error appears in getHapticDeviceRotation. Fix:

  scl::sBool CChaiHaptics::getHapticDeviceRotation(
        const sUInt arg_id, Eigen::Matrix3d& ret_rot_mat) const
      if(arg_id >= haptics_handler_->getNumDevices())
        std::cout<<"\nCChaiHaptics::getHapticDevicePosition() : Error:"
            <<"\n\tThe requested haptic ID is greater than the number of connected devices";
        return false;

      // ***********************************************************
      //                     READ DEVICE STATE
      // ***********************************************************
      cMatrix3d tmpv;
      bool device_ready = haptic_devices_[arg_id]->getRotation(tmpv);

      if (!device_ready)
      { std::cout<<"\nCChaiHaptics::getHapticDeviceRotation() : WARNING : \n\tCould not read rotation of haptic device: "<<arg_id; }

      for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
          for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { ret_rot_mat(i,j) = tmpv(i,j);}

      return true;

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