Parsing Error after SCL update

Issue #68 resolved
Fabian Gerlinghaus created an issue

Hey Samir,

I just update to the latest ersion of scl, did a and recompiled code that was previously running fine. Here's the errors I get at runtime. Any idea why taht would happen? Thx a lot!

Best, Fabian

Initialized clock and database. Start Time:2.9e-05 Running scl task controller for input file: ../../specs/Kuka/KukaCfg.xml scl_registry::parseRobot() : Parsed : KukaBot scl_registry::parseGraphics() : Parsed : KukaBotStdView CSclParser::readGcControllerFromFile() : No ka information. parseTaskController() : Error : Could not read the controller. scl_registry::parseEverythingInFile() Failed :Could not register a gc controller with the database CRobotApp::init() Failed : Could not parse the file Total Simulated Time : 0 sec Total Control Model and Servo Updates : 0 Total Graphics Updates : 0 End Time:0.002038

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