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scl-manips-v2 / barrett / wam_tips

Barrett WAM FAQ

  • (1) The WAM is making strange grinding noises.
    • Try turning it off and on twice.
    • If that doesn't work, try running one of the example programs (./ex03-simple-move) in the libbarrett examples directory to move the robot to the home position. Then, try running your code.
  • (2) I don't know how to zero the WAM.
  • (3) The libbarrett code segfaults
    • The CAN interface is down. Run the following in terminal:
      • sudo ifconfig can0 up
      • sudo ifconfig can1 up
  • (4) The libbarett.git submodule in the code crashes Eclipse
    • Eclipse can't index all the boost libraries in the 3rdparty/libbarrett.git folder
    • You will have to manually disable the indexer and/or remove the libbarrett.git folder from the indexing scheme

Screenshots describing how to fix the above problem (4):


