Can't hide icon for Incognito away

Issue #2 resolved
Dennis created an issue

This is fantastic but I can't hide the app. When I go to the setting Hide App Icon it only has an option to Cancel or Keep Icon Unhidden

Comments (2)

  1. Dennis reporter

    Changing the display font settings didn't help. Whereas I do get the 3rd option on my tablet to Hide icon.

  2. Sami Amjad repo owner

    Hi Dennis,

    I looked into the problem, and think that you may have encountered an Android/Samsung bug. I tried on multiple devices to replicate your problem, but was not able to.

    Irrespective of that, I have created a workaround way for you to Hide the App Icon on your phone. The update is currently available in the BETA channel of Incognito Away.

    Getting BETA Access to Incognito Away

    Load up: from your mobile device - ensure you are logged in to the same Gmail account from which you purchased Incognito Away. Then tap "Become a BETA Tester"

    Using the Fix (it's very easy)

    1. After becoming a BETA tester, you should have an Incognito Away update ready in the Play Store (you may need to give it a few minutes) - update the app
    2. Open Incognito Away, and go to the About page (by Clicking the 3 dots in the top right hand corner)
    3. Tap on "version 1.05" 10x times (it's in the top right hand corner)
    4. A new page will open up - here you can just tap on the buttons to hide/show the app icon.

    Let me know how you go, or if you need any additional help :)

    Just a quick note: To open the app once the Icon is hidden, you can visit:

    As of writing this email, my website is actually down for maintenance :( It should be back shortly.

    You can instead use this URL temporarily: intent://LauncherActivity/#Intent;action=android.intent.action.VIEW;scheme=smaj;package=com.smajenterprise.incognitoaway;S.browser_fallback_url=;end

    Copy/paste that URL into Chrome on your device, load it - and you should be all good to go!

    All the best,


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