Adding additional states would be nice, for displaying issues in newly created columns

Issue #109 new
Klaus UNGER created an issue

As one can create additional columns (e.g. Reviewed, Tested, Accepted, ...) it would be necessary/nice to have the possibility that one can define additional states, to reflect those new columns and enable easy filtering of issues

Comments (3)

  1. Sam Tardif repo owner

    I agree it would be nice, but new states would eventually have to map back to Bitbucket states or there'd be a disparity between BB Cards and BB. That and I'm trying to keep this as simple as possible and not store additional information on top of Bitbucket unless it is absolutely required (like the column information).

    For now it'll have to stay simple, but maybe in the future. If Bitbucket allowed you to tag issues arbitrarily then this would definitely be achievable.

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