Not all open issues appearing on cardwall

Issue #140 new
dennisjm created an issue


Some of my open issues are not appearing on my cardwall. In particular, is not visible on

Please investigate.



Comments (6)

  1. Sam Tardif repo owner

    Hi Dennis,

    The Bitbucket REST API has a limit of 50 issues per request, so I'm guessing you're hitting that limit (given the ID you link to is 76) and not breaking your issues up into different versions?

    There are a couple of ways to solve this.

    - break up your issues into smaller sets (e.g. with versions, or hopefully milestones some time soon if I get time to add that feature) - have a "load another 50" type link at the top of the card wall, to keep loading additional issues. This is a bit clunky though, in terms of UX - have some kind of global filter on the card wall (e.g. "only show new and open issues"). not guaranteed to solve the problem, but might help in some cases - keep polling behind the scenes until all the issues are pulled down from BB

    Would love to hear your thoughts on how you'd expect it to behave. Each has their ups and downs I guess.

    Cheers, Sam.

  2. dennisjm reporter

    Hi Sam,

    My Resolved column contained the largest number of issues relative to other statuses, but the presence of that column on my card-wall really served only as a convenient drag-and-drop location. I've now removed my Resolved swim-lane, and am marking issues Resolved using a slightly less efficient method.

    I'm quite happy with this solution, which reduces the number of cards on my wall to well within the REST API limit. Thanks for your help.

    Cheers, Dennis

  3. Sam Tardif repo owner

    Cool, glad you have an interim solution :)

    I'll keep thinking about a more permanent solution.

  4. dennisjm reporter

    To answer your question of how I would expect the cardwall to behave, naively I would expect (from your list of options above):

    - keep polling behind the scenes until all the issues are pulled down from BB

    What are your concerns about this?

  5. Sam Tardif repo owner

    It's just not particularly nice, from a UX perspective, to have cards to continue popping up on the card wall from a background task. And the alternative, loading _all_ the cards before rendering any of them, may take a long time if there are a few hundred issues and multiple requests required.

    I think a warning/info message at the top saying "You're viewing issues 1-50, load the next 50" may be the most intuitive and explicit. I'll have to think about it.


  6. dennisjm reporter

    I don't much like the idea of a 'warning/info message at the top saying "You're viewing issues 1-50, [would you like to] load the next 50"', because I can't think of any circumstance in which answering "no" to that would make sense to me.

    I'm quite happy to take a performance hit on page-load (with, say, some 'Loading...' animation appearing while issues load in the background), given the following: a) the card-wall is a development tool that I will typically open once and leave open in a tab for weeks on end, and b) I could, as you pointed out, manage my issues in a more sophisticated (e.g. versioned) way if I ever really got bugged by the page-load performance.

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