Request: Ability to show all issues (with filters) from all repositories at once

Issue #141 new
Ten One Design created an issue


I'm the Senior Software Engineer for a company and we have over 2 dozen repo's on BitBucket. As part of my daily workload I need to see what issues are open, new, bugs / urgent and who they're assigned to for all of these - at once, on one screen.

I can't see how to do this currently so I'm politely requesting that this is seriously considered for the next minor release.

Thank you

Comments (3)

  1. Sam Tardif repo owner


    That's a cool idea, but yeah, it's not currently possible and is a pretty substantial feature.

    I think such a screen could also get very noisy if not done right, so there's a fair amount of design consideration in there too.

    I'll be honest, I really like the idea, but it's not likely to make it into an upcoming release. I'll keep it on the back burner though.

    Cheers, Sam.

  2. HÃ¥vard Pedersen

    I think the "noisyness" should be the user's problem, and not yours as long as there is a filter to hide repositories.

    I'm in a team working on a site built using Drupal. We have separate repositories for each in-house module, so all of our sprint tasks are spread across 15+ repositories. So for now we use Trello, but the more advanced git usage we adopt, the more I see the need to move the updates "closer to the code" (into bitbucket).

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