Issues missing from cardwall with only 15 cards present (i.e. well below 50 card limit)

Issue #143 new
dennisjm created an issue

Hi Sam,

There are currently only 15 issues showing up on my cardwall, with many not showing up that I would expect to (e.g. my entire "On Hold" swimlane is empty despite several issues having that status according to Bitbucket).

I'm raising this as an issue distinct from because that is related to the 50 card limit, whereas this seems to be a new problem (unless of course the 50 card limit has been reduced to 15 - surely not!).

Please take a look.

Thanks and regards,


Comments (2)

  1. Artha Shastra

    I encountered this as well, but then realised that the cards are filtered in sequence of the columns. So if the card already matched a filter criteria of a previous column (I have 'mine' column) then the card appears there.

    Not sure if your problem is related.

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