When i logout, colum data and card status is not saved

Issue #149 new
Sidney de Koning created an issue

When i log out or refresh the page or go back to dashboard and load the same project, the cards placed in specific columns are not saved. When i come back to a project i've been working on yesterday (or before lunch) i want to see the issues in the correct column, this is not the case. Everything is back to square one, everything is back in the 'new column' and i manually have to place all the items back to new, progress or resolved again. I have to do this over and over again.

Comments (2)

  1. Sam Tardif repo owner

    Hi Sidney,

    Sorry to hear about this issue.

    I have tried to reproduce this but can't, so I think it might be something to do with the columns you've got set up. Could you describe your columns and the column rules you have for them?

    Also, if you open the browser error console are you seeing anything happen there?

    Cheers, Sam.

  2. Sidney de Koning reporter

    (Reply via sid...@mannetjedekoning.nl):

    Hi Sam,

    I only have an extra column called bugs set to the full left of my screen. I do see a lot of errors but only in form of and red little box with "error". Are you referring to the webapp' error console of the one native to my browser?

    Best, Sidney

    -- S. de Koning - Mannetje de Koning | http://www.mannetjedekoning.nl | +316 2454 8336

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