Bitbucket cards not accessible because of internal error

Issue #230 new
Y Laizet created an issue

WHen I try to authentificate, I get an internal error on bitbucket cards

Comments (4)

  1. Sérgio Filipe Santos Ferreira

    I have the same error.

    This message appears:

    Internal Server Error

    The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.

    The url of the request is

  2. Dan Willett

    I opened up a support request on Bitbucket and the responder said they messaged Sam Tardif on the internal message system, but I haven't seen a response from him. Also, his profile says that we was last seen on 8/7/2018 which is almost 4 months ago...

    The last activity on the forums from him is in 2015 ....

    Sam, if you are around, could you please respond? Also, could you make the Bit Bucket Cards an open source project so that other people can maintain it?

  3. Sam Tardif repo owner

    Hi everyone, apologies for the lag.

    I'm still around :) but yes, this was a pet project of around 5 years ago that hasn't really had any attention for about... 4 years? I'm kinda surprised it has carried on working until now, and am very pleasantly surprised that you guys are finding it valuable!

    I've had a quick look at the changes to the Bitbucket API and unfortunately the changes made for GDPR compliance have a pretty big impact on BB Cards. The column data / user preferences etc in BB Cards are all keyed by username, which was removed from the set of BB User object fields. Usernames are also baked into a lot of API requests made to Bitbucket (e.g. for fetching repo issues, versions, milestones, etc) and I'm not sure how these are affected. It's a non-trivial fix.

    Sadly this seems like the end of BB Cards.

    I'll look into open sourcing.

  4. Dan Willett

    Hello Sam,

    Any chance you could go ahead and open up the repository on this so that somebody else can fix the code? What language is the back end written in?

    Perhaps you could just go into the settings and change the repository from private to public and specify a GPL or MIT license.

    Then we could have a look at the code at see if we can fix it up.


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