Moving an issue isn't updating it client side

Issue #66 resolved
Sam Tardif repo owner created an issue

E.g. move an issue, update one of the columns to trigger a re-render without reloading issue data from the server, issues will be in their pre-move state.

Comments (10)

  1. Pieter Michels

    This is still happening for me. Not for all issues but definetely for those that I drag to 'resolved' column.

  2. Sam Tardif reporter
    • changed version to 0.3
    • changed status to open

    I think this has to do with the column rules you've set up, specifically the values you're prompting for. My guess is you're putting resolved, duplicate, wontfix, invalid issues in resolved but aren't prompting to ask which state to use when dropping an issue in the column. Could be way off, please let me know a bit more about your setups and I'll investigate :)

  3. dennisjm

    I'm not really sure what you mean. I have the default columns (New, On Hold, In Progress, Resolved). If I drag-and-drop an issue from In Progress, say, to Resolved, I see an "Updated Issue" alert appear, and all looks good until I refresh the page, at which point the issue is back in Resolved column.

  4. Sam Tardif reporter

    Yeah so there was a bug with the default Resolved column. It defaults to containing issues with a status of Resolved, Wontfix, Duplicate and Invalid, but was not prompting you to pick which particular status you want to set when you drop an issue in the column.

    I've updated the default Resolved column. If you click the cog next to the Resolved column title you can go in and set a prompt for the issue status. I've also made it default to "Resolved" until a user sets the prompt, so it should work when you drag and drop now.

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