Summary Data of Imported RowPro Interval Workout AFU

Issue #123 wontfix
Michael McGuirk created an issue

See attached screenshot of the summary data on the edit page of an RP interval workout imported from the C2 logbook. Total time and distance are imported correctly. Editing the intervals does not correct the issue with the summary table. However the Flex plot engine gets it right, i.e. it is seeing all the correct data and plotting it correctly, including (after editing intervals) correct handling of rest periods.

Comments (10)

  1. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    Mike, can you add the RowPro CSV file as an attachment to this report? I would like to see the original RP file, not what made of it

  2. Michael McGuirk reporter

    I will do tomorrow's workout on RP and see if this issue still exists. It's been so long since I used RP I'm not sure I remember how :) M

  3. Michael McGuirk reporter

    Well, I tried (to do today's workout on RP). After 45 minutes of frustration, I ran out of time and reverted to using BC. This is such an obscure use case, I would just forget it. M

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