Kit Selector Options, Boat Type and Blades

Issue #132 on hold
Former user created an issue

So looking longer term, if people defined what boat they were using (this works specifically well for singles), could data be accumulated to in some way test the speed of different boats? Hull sizes etc.

It would probably need the geekyist of rowers to really take part. The most valuable data may come from club rowers that use club boats and blades, so again it may not produce enough accurate data.

When rowing in my club singles, I have noticed one is faster at lower rates and the other faster at higher rates.

Comments (2)

  1. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    Wouldn't we then also need accurate wind and water temperature information, as well as some scale to measure the technical proficiency of the rower?

    Very interesting area and of course I am thinking about it, but I haven't come up with a reliable way to collect good data.


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