plot delete brings you back to log screen instead of workout edit screen

Issue #169 resolved
Gregory Smith created an issue

After you added the new coastal workout type, I went back to some of my coastal rows and generated new summary plots. Then I went to delete the old plots. When you confirm the delete, I was expecting to go back to the workout edit page, instead I was sent back to the workout log page and I had to navigate back to the workout I was working on. Could you change the behavior to go back to the workout edit page?

Comments (2)

  1. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    There are several ways to navigate to the chart. The site would have to remember where you came from, which is quite some overhead.

  2. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    Fixed. It will bring you back to the workout edit page that you last finished, before deleting the chart

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