strange peak and avg force numbers for painsled workout.

Issue #172 resolved
Former user created an issue

attached are three files 1. csv from painsled. peak force ~126lbs, avg ~ 76lbs 2. csv export from rowsandall. peak force ~ 161lbs, avg 102lbs 3. flex plot of the same work showing peak force 3200N (719lbs) avg 2000N (450lbs)

Not sure why they don't match up better.

Comments (4)

  1. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    I am seeing them for my OTW empower workout as well. Funny enough, Mike's BoatCoach recorded erg workout has normal numbers.

  2. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    Looks like an error in the routine that checks "OTW efficiency" numbers and updates the data in the DB. That is cool because it means it only affects those old workouts that people looked at in the past 20 hours, plus the ones that I converted for you.

  3. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    The question is now how to fix it. I made a fix routine that tries to fix all workouts that have an average peak force above 3000N. Some people are able to deadlift 300kg, so that is 3000N. I doubt they can do this for an entire workout, but we have to be careful here.

  4. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    Resolved. Fixed workouts with average Peak Force > 3000 N. Acknowledging that this is not necessarily the full set of affected workouts. Also acknowledging that this fix may have affected some workouts of very strong users.

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