Redirect URIs - only http and https are validated

Issue #191 resolved
Sander Roosendaal repo owner created an issue

Hi Sander,

I thought I could work around this issue, but that did not work.

The problem I experience is the following:

When I configure my application at I would like to set the "Redirect Uris" to "RowingCoachExport://rowsandall…." But the page lets me only save "Redirect Uris“ of the form „https://…“

This does not work for me, as the process for my workflow is: User wants to use Rowsandall -> Rowingcoach app on iOS opens Safari with Authorization URL: -> user authenticates with Rowsandall -> Rowsandall redirects to the url listed in "Redirect Uris“

If "Redirect Uris“ is of a specific kind, e.g. "RowingCoachExport://rowsandall….“, the browser recognizes that the iOS app RowingCoach should handle the further communication and handles everything back to the app.

As the "Redirect Uris“ can only http or https, nothing gets handled back. Other platforms, like Concept2 logbook, Strava and mapmyfitness do allow more generic "Redirect Uris“.

Is there the possibility you can support more generic Uris?

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