Problem Creating OTW Test Over A Course

Issue #271 resolved
Michael McGuirk created an issue

When initially setting up the session. I first selected Time and 20 minutes. When I went to edit it to attach the Course, it had changed to Distance and 20 meters. I attached the Course and Saved and it reverted back to Distance and Meters again. If you set the session up as meters from the get go, all works as advertised.

Comments (3)

  1. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    Implemented the following:

    • In forms, When changing to "OTW course", there is an explanatory text why the session must by "distance" based
    • In forms, when changing to "OTW course", the course select pops up dynamically (and disappears when another session type is selected)
    • When saving an OTW course session, the distance is set to the length of a 'as the bird flies' line through the centers of the polygons of the attached course
    • When saving an OTW course session, and no course is selected, it selects a default course
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