METAR Data is Two Hours Off

Issue #307 resolved
Former user created an issue

When you ask for METAR wind data for an OTW workout, the METAR that you get is two hours after the Start Time of the Workout. It isn't making an accurate adjustment for time zone, e.g. Start at 7:00 AM (-4:00) gives a METAR for 13:00Z vs 11:00Z.

Comments (3)

  1. Michael McGuirk

    Dark Sky has the same problem, i.e. you get results that are two hours after your start time, e.g. start at 6:41 AM (-4:00), get wind data for 12:?? (00:00).

  2. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    Fixed, with the note that I have a search window starting one our before and ending one hour after the "mid time" of your workout

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