Idea for a cool new chart

Issue #360 resolved
Gregory Smith created an issue

Rep chart for interval workouts.

The plot would trace a single parameter for all reps of a workout overlaid. This would be great for things like start practices or comparing hr responses.

Any no other tool has it!

Comments (6)

  1. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    @gregsmith01748 Please add an excel prototype so we are clear exactly on what this is

  2. Gregory Smith reporter

    prototype created from the data for workout number 15676.

    plotted by using workoutstate 4 to indicate a work interval and 3 to indicate a rest. I used the elapsed time column which seemed to work from the beginning of each work and rest interval, and then set the time to 0 for all rest data points.

    Then I did an x-y scatter plot of the desired parameter (pace) on the y axis and elapsed time on the x axis. proto interval chart.png

  3. Gregory Smith reporter

    IN a production version, it would be good to be able to: - Use time, distance or stroke as the x-axis - Select any valid parameter - use different colors or symbols for each rep

  4. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    Could it simply be a flex chart with "time in interval" or "distance in interval" as the x axis?


  5. Gregory Smith reporter

    yes. The only complication that I saw was that the elapsed time reset both at the beginning of the work interval and the beginning of the rest interval.

    Otherwise, the flex plot to look at it would work out great.

    A minor enhancement would be the figure out how to format the rest data so that a line plot didn't look ugly (Right now the line would redraw across the plot for the next interval. But even with just the scatter plot view would be pretty cool.

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