Improve default dates for cloning planned sessions

Issue #390 new
Sander Roosendaal repo owner created an issue

Having “today” as the default start date is what I found somewhat unintuitive: when you are planning, you are (by definition) dealing with future dates. so (as an example) I have created a microcycle “A” (with dates in the future) and am now moving to the next microcycle “B" (further in the future) and want to clone some of the sessions from A. Every single time I did that, I wanted the dates to be in the future. But they defaulted to “Today” and I had to change the date. Its a minor point but when you are cloning multiple times and have to go back and fill in the dates, it gets repetitive. I thought maybe incrementing the date another week forward in the future would be “smarter” than defaulting back to the current date. (Similarly, if you change the “Start” date, maybe the “End Date” could be automatically changed the same number of days forward, so you only have to adjust one field?

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