Workflow improvements Link Workout to Session

Issue #395 resolved
Sander Roosendaal repo owner created an issue

Your Workout Editing workflow suggestion is a great one. I think the most logical place for this is in the Workout context menu (on the left). Or are there better places? There are several ways to implement this: A direct link to the same page you are using today to link workouts to sessions A "accordion" menu which, when opened, reveals a list of relevant sessions. Click on the session name and your session is linked to the workout without having to leave the page A dropdown form on the Edit Workout (or Workout View) view, with a dropdown list of relevant sessions and a Submit button [Your Suggestion] a checkbox in the Edit Workout page for “link to Session” that, on Saving the changes, will take you directly to the “link Workout” page Other ideas? Let me know what implementation is most logical for you.

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