Distance Not Being Parsed Correctly on CrewNerd TCX File

Issue #421 resolved
Michael McGuirk created an issue

The attached TCX file from CrewNerd gets parsed as being a 30K+ workout whereas the actual distance was 15K. This happens on both dev and prod servers. The CSV file from the same workout parses correctly.

Comments (11)

  1. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    Do you still have that workout in CrewNerd? Perhaps try to export it again to see if it is a consistent bug. Also, CrewNerd was upgraded recently, right?

  2. Michael McGuirk reporter

    Interesting! The first two records in the file this time are zero, i.e. the 15K is not there. File attached. Capture.PNG

  3. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    Sorry. Marifoon is Dutch for what English boaters call "VHF" Same VHF as in aerospace

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