Export to Strava

Issue #494 resolved
Michael McGuirk created an issue

Getting an error message when trying to export two different BikeErg workouts to Strava. Earlier today, I emailed two different workouts (workouttype slides) to rowsandall.com with “export strava” and it worked ok. Have something to do with the issue #490 fix?

Comments (9)

  1. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    You are correct. Strava doesn't know bike erg. Easiest solution would be to unfix that other issue

  2. Michael McGuirk reporter

    Emailing file using “workouttype bikeerg” doesn’t work anymore (as expected). File never got to rowsandall workout list under any workouttype.

    Emailing file using “workouttype bike erg” worked but went to Bike as it did before (issue #490).

  3. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    @Michael McGuirk Could you test if “bike” goes to bike or to bike erg? Thanks!

  4. Michael McGuirk reporter

    You’re trying to confuse me. This one is fixed, tested, works. It’s #490, the original, that should be reopened. I probably confused the issue by replying here to your “You are correct…” comment above.

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