Not Attaining Pro Membership Functionality

Issue #509 resolved
Colin Cornhill created an issue

Was notified of improvement in my Power Output and given the option to follow a link to update my ranking pieces. When I followed the link I was told I need a Pro Membership. I have perpetual Pro Membership.

Comments (6)

  1. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    Colin, from the screenshot I cannot see if you were logged in to the site. Could you try to reproduce the error in two cases:

    1. Log on to, then click on the link in the email
    2. Log out of, then click on the link in the email

    My bet is that (1) works and (2) brings you to the payment plan site

  2. Colin Cornhill

    @sanderroosendaal your assumption is correct. My expectation was that the link would take me through login. However, I now know to log in first.

  3. Colin Cornhill

    That will be helpful. Right now I am just happy that I was able to link my Bitbucket and Slack accounts – No small feat for me. 😆

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