Rounding issue when computing avg pace for intervals

Issue #524 resolved
Carlos Reategui created an issue

See the pace for interval #1 in the following workout:

It is displaying as 1:60.0 instead of what I am guessing should be 2:00.0.

        Workout Summary - media/2464cc92af-20200304-230422o.csv
Workout Details

Comments (3)

  1. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    Instead of doing any rounding could you use the datetime module?  Something like this (assuming you use python for this):

    from datetime import datetime secs=119.55 secstime= datetime.fromtimestamp(secs + 0.05) stime = '%s.%i' % (secstime.strftime("%M:%S"), secstime.microsecond/100000) print(stime)

    Should round to the nearest tenth of a second.

  2. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    I could use the datetime module. I likely didn’t do that because this is hitting one of the older parts of the code, when my knowledge base consisted of python + numpy. I am using a simple divmod to get seconds and minutes.

    At the same time, part of this may be moved to golang, in which case we’ll have to investigate again.

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