HTTP 500 when submitting ergo result for competition

Issue #525 resolved
David DeWinter created an issue


  1. I recorded a 4' piece through ErgData and synced it to the Logbook.
  2. I imported it successfully to rowsandall.
  3. The workout ( duration was imported as 3:56 instead of 4:00 so I changed it to "00:04:00.000000" and submitted successfully.
  4. I attempted to submit a result to the SHRC 4' competition. The 4' result from step #1 was available to choose. When I submitted it, I got an HTTP 500 from the server.

Comments (2)

  1. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    Found a couple of bugs here:

    1. One participant had deleted her user account after signing up for the race. The code was trying to send her an email but couldn’t find her Email address (GDPR)
    2. The results list was linking to the real workout ID instead of the UUID encoded one

    Both fixed on dev and now running tests.

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