Simplify challenge results submission process

Issue #558 resolved
Gregory Smith created an issue

A couple of ideas:

  1. Make registration optional when the challenge is setup. If you opt out of registration, then anyone who visits the challenge page would see the links to submit a result. This would mean that the submission page would have to allow people to fill in the club and event fields.
  2. Add selection logic to present a default registration class. So, if you are an 81 year old male rower, the default class would be MGV1x. The ability to change this should be retained so that rowers can register doubles, or row down into lower age groups or open classes.
  3. Create a new email import option. Establish an email address “”. The proper challenge can be defined either by a magic command “Challenge” and then a string that matches with open challenges. Alternatively, the workout could be tested against open challenges to see which one it fits best. (might be impractical) The result would be then loaded as a workout, and submitted in the default class for the specific challenge.

Comments (6)

  1. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    So, if multiple options are present, selection logic would put them in Olympic type shell, 1x, Open Class, HWT, male (in case gender not specified)?

  2. Gregory Smith reporter

    Yes. The goal would be to find the class that the rower qualifies for with the slowest standard time.

  3. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    I have implemented some of this. Please tell me what is still missing in your opinion

  4. Gregory Smith reporter

    The improvement is good. The course naming is still awkward. It doesn't provide a country field, and defaults to unknown for all US courses. Also, the naming. If I am updating markers, I don't think I want to change the course name. It would be more logical to have a course name that is defined by the name field in the "add Course" logic, and maintain another field with the name of the source kml.

  5. Sander Roosendaal repo owner

    Added a country field which is used when country detection comes out as “unknown”. Switched country detector from Google service to OpenStreetMaps. Seems to work better. Gives “United States of America” as country for the Charles river course.

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