Add a big stats page

Issue #60 resolved
Sander Roosendaal repo owner created an issue

Links from workout edit and shows counts, mean, median, min, max, sum, mean absolute deviation (MAD), variance, standard deviation, skew (sample skewness), kurt (sample kurtosis), and percentage changes for all data columns.

It will also show correlation and cross-variance between columns. So basically the whole descriptive statistics of your row.

If not too much effort (or in a future version), do this per lap/interval.

This would mainly be a big table for the hard core data junkies.

This would be a PRO feature.

Comments (2)

  1. Sander Roosendaal reporter

    Implemented median, min, max, standard deviation Decided to drop counts, sum Implemented correlation. Doubtful is cross-variance is useful

    Still to implement MAD Variance Skew Kurtosis Percentage change

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