Missing LICENSE description and file

Issue #1 resolved
Fabio Canesin created an issue

It is missing in the readme a reference to which license the project uses and a copy of the same in the root folder.

Comments (5)

  1. BarryFSmith

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I have add the information on how to find the licensing information to the readme and a new license file in commit 8a3e5a4.

    I did not want to explicitly list the licenses (and copyright information especially) in one central location since the software included is covered by several depending on the source file.

    Do you think this is satisfactory? If not, what do you suggest?

  2. Fabio Canesin reporter

    I was looking and the included mongoose and it looks to be MIT licensed, while the current mongoose is GPL v2 code. So if you update your mongoose version all your code will be GPLed. Since cJSON is MIT also the current umbrella is MIT (given mongoose observation). I believe it was worth noting this.

  3. BarryFSmith

    You are right. We got the mongoose source before they changed the license. Thankfully. We will definitely NOT be upgrading the mongoose software.

    I am noting this issue in the LICENSE file.

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