cloudinary doesn't work with Grails version 3.1.4

Issue #2 new
siddharth patel created an issue

I am trying to upload image from Grails to Heroku platform. Heroku provides me the required credentials.

In build.gradle i have added

compile "org.grails.plugins:grails-cloudinary:0.3"

in application.yml

            apiKey: '*****'
            apiSecret: '*****'
            cloudName: ')))))'
CLOUDINARY_URL: 'cloudinary://***:***@***'

in Controller

def cloudinaryService 
MultipartFile imageFile = request.getFile('fileupload') 
def imageResult = cloudinaryService.upload(imageFile.bytes)

With this code it gives me "java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method upload() on null object" error. I have double check enctype="multipart/form-data" is set.

I think it is not getting cloudinaryService object properly. Can u please guide me to resolve this? Thank you.

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