make maxsig more visible

Issue #19 resolved
Mazdak Radjainia created an issue

I think combination of maxsig and fast subset is a game changer. However, it's easy to miss it because it's not listed as parameter even in terminal. Perhaps it should find its way into Gui? Or is it a conscious choice to hide it?

cheers Mazdal

Comments (3)

  1. Takanori Nakane

    Hi, the fast subset option is available in the GUI and also in the help messages in the terminal. --fast_subsets (false) : Use faster optimisation by using subsets of the data in the first 15 iterations

    The --maxsig option is not generally recommended. Indeed it makes processing faster and solves (actually conceals) some GPU memory issues, but it is a deviation from the underlying mathematical model. It is for people who know what they are doing, and not for general use.

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