Illegal memory access when running LoG picker with --gpu

Issue #2 closed
Oliver Clarke created an issue


When I run relion_autopick on a single micrograph using the LoG picker, it runs fine using the default CPU version, but fails with an illegal memory access error when using --gpu.

The command used was:

relion_autopick --i --LoG true --LoG_diam_min 100 --LoG_diam_max 200 --shrink 0.25 --gpu

And the error was:

ERROR: an illegal memory access was encountered in /home/user/software/relion-3.0_beta/src/acc/acc_helper_functions_impl.h at line 1519 (error-code 77) in: /home/user/software/relion-3.0_beta/src/acc/cuda/cuda_settings.h, line 67 Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Cheers Oli

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