relion_mask_create ERROR --i and --and maps are different shapes!

Issue #24 resolved
L Kater created an issue


when trying to use the --and option in relion_mask_create I keep getting the following error: in: /home/kater/relion-3.0_beta/src/apps/mask_create.cpp, line 152 === Backtrace === /opt/relion-SL7/bin/relion_mask_create(_ZN11RelionErrorC1ERKSsS1_l+0x41) [0x4296d1] /opt/relion-SL7/bin/relion_mask_create(_ZN22mask_create_parameters16makeMaskFromFileER5ImageIdE+0x67d) [0x4221fd] /opt/relion-SL7/bin/relion_mask_create(_ZN22mask_create_parameters3runEv+0x430) [0x423660] /opt/relion-SL7/bin/relion_mask_create(main+0x31) [0x4169e1] /lib64/ [0x7f8d5419f3d5] /opt/relion-SL7/bin/relion_mask_create() [0x416f9b] ================== ERROR: ERROR: --i and --and maps are different shapes!

relion_image_handler --stats shows both maps as 450x450x450x1

I cannot recreate it with relion 2.1.0. There it works as expected.

HTH Lukas

Comments (2)

  1. Takanori Nakane

    Hi Lukas,

    Thank you very much for feedback. I fixed this bug. Please update your local installation from this repository.


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