multi-body refinement

Issue #32 new
ncoudray created an issue


I tried multi-body refinement and get the following error message:

=== Backtrace  ===
/gpfs/share/apps/relion/3.0-cuda91/bin/relion_flex_analyse(_ZN11RelionErrorC1ERKSsS1_l+0x41) [0x425d71]
/gpfs/share/apps/relion/3.0-cuda91/bin/relion_flex_analyse(_ZN13MetaDataTable4readERK8FileNameRKSsPSt6vectorI8EMDLabelSaIS6_EESsb+0x384) [0x461c84]
/gpfs/share/apps/relion/3.0-cuda91/bin/relion_flex_analyse(_ZN10Experiment4readE8FileNamebbbb+0xa57) [0x489907]
/gpfs/share/apps/relion/3.0-cuda91/bin/relion_flex_analyse(_ZN12FlexAnalyser10initialiseEv+0x97) [0x42bfc7]
/gpfs/share/apps/relion/3.0-cuda91/bin/relion_flex_analyse(main+0x31) [0x41ec41]
/lib64/ [0x7fffea7cc3d5]
/gpfs/share/apps/relion/3.0-cuda91/bin/relion_flex_analyse() [0x41f43f]
MetaDataTable::read: File MultiBody/job872/ does not exist

I am not sure if it is a bug or if I did something wrong and what are the consequences of this message. Also, this error message doesn't crash the job - It is still running and is now at iteration 1.

Best, Nicolas

Comments (3)

  1. Takanori Nakane

    It seems that relion_flex_analyse was executed before multi-body refinement finished. I don't know why. is the output from refinement. As long as relion_refine_mpi is running, you don't have to worry. Once it is done, press Continue to run relion_flex_analyse again.

  2. ncoudray reporter

    Thanks for the feedback - Maybe the reason is the same as for the logfile? (some synchronization bug that appears only on fast machines?)

  3. Takanori Nakane

    I don't think so; we don't use & here.

    This error is expected when the multibody refinement (relion_refine_mpi) fails. But relion_refine_mpi is running in your case... I don't know what is wrong.

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