Allow to opt out of precalculated AB matrices when onthefly_shifts = true

Issue #36 resolved
Dimitry Tegunov created an issue

I encountered this problem in v2.1, but it looks like v3 would behave the same.

For sub-tomogram averaging, onthefly_shifts defaults to true, which causes AB matrices to be pre-calculated. Even with small boxes (170) and fine translational sampling, this leads to a very large memory footprint, severely limiting the number of MPI processes I can spawn. However, GPU calculations don't use these matrices and calculate sin & cos values on the fly. I commented out the pre-calculation, and everything seems to be running fine with plenty of processes. Obviously, this will break the failsafe mode because CPU calculations would still need the matrices. But if a data set doesn't cause fallbacks, it's not a problem.

I think it would be great to have an option to disable AB matrices for sub-tomo averaging on GPUs in case a user is sure failsafe mode won't be encountered.

Comments (6)

  1. Takanori Nakane

    Obviously, this will break the failsafe mode because CPU calculations would still need the matrices. But if a data set doesn't cause fallbacks, it's not a problem

    I don't understand this. When GPU calculation fails, the program simply dies. There is no automatic fallback to the CPU code path.

  2. Dimitry Tegunov reporter

    Something like this: 7d228da

    Sorry, that's how I imagined failsafe mode worked – fall back to CPU for FP64 calculations. Should have looked into the code.

  3. Takanori Nakane

    Actually, --do_shifts_onthefly is disabled when --cpu or --gpu.

        if (do_shifts_onthefly && (do_gpu || do_cpu))
            std::cerr << "WARNING: --onthefly_shifts cannot be combined with --cpu or --gpu, setting do_shifts_onthefly to false" << std::endl;
            do_shifts_onthefly = false;

    However, this is turned on again later if mymodel.data_dim == 3, which is the problem. So I'd like to fix this as follows. Could you please confirm if this makes sense? I don't work on tomography at all, so I cannot test myself.

    diff --git a/src/ml_optimiser.cpp b/src/ml_optimiser.cpp
    index 8b9a0b0..22f3d1a 100644
    --- a/src/ml_optimiser.cpp
    +++ b/src/ml_optimiser.cpp
    @@ -1856,7 +1856,7 @@ void MlOptimiser::initialiseGeneral(int rank)
                    // Don't do norm correction for volume averaging at this stage....
                    do_norm_correction = false;
    -               if (!((do_helical_refine) && (!ignore_helical_symmetry))) // For 3D helical sub-tomogram averaging, either is OK, so let the user decide
    +               if (!((do_helical_refine) && (!ignore_helical_symmetry)) && !(do_cpu || do_gpu)) // For 3D helical sub-tomogram averaging, either is OK, so let the user decide
                            do_shifts_onthefly = true; // save RAM for volume data (storing all shifted versions would take a lot!)
                    if (do_skip_align)
  4. Dimitry Tegunov reporter

    Can confirm, this solves the problem!

    There is some irony in GPU calculations requiring orders of magnitude less CPU memory than the CPU code path.

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