Generate recentered and reboxed particles during particle subtraction (in relion_project)

Issue #40 new
Oliver Clarke created an issue


As discussed with Takanori via email, it would be great to have the option in a future version of relion to recenter and rebox particles during particle subtraction with relion_project, similar to the new option available during multi body refinement with relion_flex_analyse.

Presumably reentering would be about the center of mass of a supplied mask, and it would be important to still preserve the capability to calculate a reconstruction from the original particles.

This would save a lot of disk space and computational resources when doing a bunch of focused refinements of small parts of a larger assembly.

Cheers Oli

Comments (3)

  1. Takanori Nakane

    I will implement this but I'm not sure if I can make it by 3.0.

    Meanwhile, you might want to try rlnOriginXPrior and rlnOriginYPrior.

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