FFTW Library Detection

Issue #56 resolved
Dan Whitehouse created an issue

I am having a real struggle building Relion3 for our HPC cluster. Due to the way that Relion3 builds its own fftw I think I'll need to build with ours. However it isnt being detected. What environment variables does Relion3 use to try and detect FFTW?

Comments (4)

  1. Frank Vago

    Hi Dan,

    In order to detect FFTW, the following environment variables should be set:

    export FFTW_INCLUDE=/path/to/fftw/include

    export FFTW_LIB=/path/to/fftw/lib

    In the RELION /cmake/FindFFTW.cmake script file, it looks for the $FFTW_INCLUDE and $FFTW_LIB environment variables. Setting these variables always worked for me when I build RELION on clusters.

    Hope this helps!


    Frank Vago

  2. Dan Whitehouse reporter

    That helped enormously, now to try and sort out FLTK! (Fortunately that makes its requirements a bit more explicit).

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