Commit 8f0fdd8 breaks easybuild

Issue #57 new
Juraj Ahel created an issue

Commits from 8f0fdd8 onwards fail to pass sanity checking when built using easybuild 3.6.2 with CMake 3.7.2:

err: "build failed (first 300 chars): Sanity check failed: no (non-empty) directory found at 'lib' or 'lib64' in [software_path]

Comments (4)

  1. Takanori Nakane

    We don't use and support external package managers. Do you know what exactly easybuild is checking?

  2. Juraj Ahel reporter

    Not really, though I assume it's something trivial and not really necessary, if the cmake itself is not giving any errors to other people.

    The only likely change added in this commit that is of relevance is in CmakeLists.txt

    -install(FILES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/gui_background.xpm DESTINATION lib)

    so I assume easybuild just doesn't like having this file in the lib folder at that point in time

    I will check with our IT support then, since it's from what you are saying more likely to be an issue the package manager has with this, than with the software itself.



  3. Takanori Nakane

    so I assume easybuild just doesn't like having this file in the lib folder at that point in time

    Actually, this commits removes the file from the lib directory. Perhaps easybuild does not like an empty lib folder?

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